Study Says Men Are Attracted to Unattractive Women: A study conducted by dating site OkCupid found that really attractive women and below-average looking women counterparts get more messages from men than those who fall somewhere in between.
Am I average? According to my friend Yort, "you are definitely not average looking..ur a lot more cute then most guys out there!" Of course his answer did not quell my fiery spirit and his late and pushed for response answer to my second question only made the fire burn stronger.
I spent my afternoon with a friend, just relaxing and talking with her in her house. Mostly about her problems/issues. When talk turned to my concerns the conversation somehow quickly turned back to her life issues.
She did however point out that big egos of the group that we associate with, and the lack of discussion of myself between friends and family has caused me to turn away from expressing my own thoughts, feelings, etc because it's almost as if they don't matter.
So why not just cry and blog about it. Not literally cry as that is a thing that rarely happens.
So, in that thought this is clearly a bitch and whine session. My fiery mood end up getting inadvertently quelled by another friend which was odd but I guess expected even though they are not aware they did it.
The heated emotions have ceased so the thoughts that inflamed with them have also ceased.

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