So gather round kiddies, I've got a story to tell you.
This story begins many ages ago, when man was young and the world believes in the powers of magic and nature. Poseidon, lord of the seas was admiring a beautiful woman off the Amazonian island of Themyscira. As she lays, laughs and plays on the edge of the beach he looks at her from a distance with lustful eyes.
His lust only growing as each gentle wave washes ashore and gently touches her body. Like all gods he believes he can have anything he wants and with trickery attempts to lure the woman into the water further to have his way with her.
First he takes the form of a beautiful fish that swims just outside her reach. Now this woman not being a fool sees this fish, beautiful and full of colors like nothing that a regular fish would appear, full of such glitter and sparkles that the fish could be too good to be true is not fooled just looks and laughs as she shoes the fish away. Now Poseidon not being deterred by this time to take the form of a playful dolphin. In this form he begins to rush around the water, causing a small stir. He jumps and squeals and sprays water from his blow hole. Now this woman is also amused by this form but goes not further into the water. She sits on a rock ledge and gently kicks the water.
With this Poseidon grows angry and the waves begin to grow, but to not scare the woman away he does not raise the seas to high and does not set the storm of the seas free. But he thinks how can he lure her into the water where he can have his way with her? In his most cunning idea yet the great god turns himself into kelp and sea foam and sets himself a dirt in her direction. The beauty does not think much of this as patches of kelp are a drift all over the waters surface so she continues to kick and play against the gentle and higher tides. Not long after Poseidon disguised as the kelp has reached the subject of his desires and begins to gently caress her legs. The woman enjoys the gentle touch of the kelp, is amused by the sea foams and begins to gentle kick and play around this growing mass between her legs. Poseidon lets her do this repeatedly as he quietly moves in closer and closer until finally he is fully upon her. At this point Poseidon has been gently massaging her body to a point of physical pleasure for the woman so he finally rises from the waves and unleashes his lust upon this woman.
In the moment of passion she accepts his advance and they make mad passionate love upon the beach, to where when finished Poseidon breaks up into water sea foam and slips back into the sea to leave the woman alone, stunned and amazed on the beach.
Some what bewitched and bewildered by this engagement she returns to her normal life in the village. Not long after she feels the stir of life in her womb and realizes that she is with child. Facing shame for what actions she has taken, especially in a world where man is not welcomed she runs back to the waters ready to either return herself or this child to the sea. Poseidon seeing what actions that are about to be taken once again rises from the waters and makes this poor woman and offer.
"To save your life and avoid the wrath of a mighty god, as well save the life of our unborn child I will take this being from you. However from this point forward you will never speak of this moment again and shall not be able to return to waters again." With her agreement Poseidon plucks a oyster shell from the sea floor and places it against the woman and within moments she feels the life inside her disappear. Slightly concerned for the unborn being she asks what he has done.
Gently Poseidon coaxes the oyster to open to reveal a small pearl and explains that this pearl is their unborn daughter, gently sleeping and growing in this shell until it is her time to be born and with that the oyster closes it shells and Poseidon, in a crash of waves returns into the waters.
Ages past, the tides rise and fall, the moon and the sun sets and the little oyster that Poseidon has hidden continues to grow. Nestled upon a rocky shore, safely between other oysters to avoid the wrath and destruction of other gods the oyster safely protects it's growing cargo.
Now foraging one day upon the sea bed is a handsome young merman, looking for a bounty of food. He comes upon a mighty oyster shell as big as himself and thinks what treasure to find! The flesh of this oyster will feed him for many a night and the pearl it must contain could achieve him a kingdom.

Poseidon being a mighty and typical god has forgotten all about this prize so this young merman is able to go about his business. He knows that a shell this large and full is too hard to carry home so he takes knife and begins to gently work the mouth of the shell. A shell this large and old is tough to work he be gradually begins to see the shell widen. Working for hours and hours he finally achieves his goal. He takes his powerful hands, slides them into the crevice and pulls apart the shell.
To his amazement and utter delight he finds a maiden, fully sleeping within his prize, not the flesh or typical pearl of the oyster.
Charmed and enamoured by her beauty her takes her in his powerful arms and plants a gently kiss upon her lips. Feeling the slight pressure upon her and this new sensation she awakens and sees this majestic being upon her and in return responds to his advance. Drunk in new found senses she lets his advances continue to point where mad is not passionate love is being made upon the oyster shell that has protected her for so very long.
At the end of this and several other sessions he asks her to marry him and to come back home with him to a small but delicate village. It lies beneath the water and describes the wonder, the mystery and magic that is known as Atlantis.
As the two swam into the small village she could see that it was small and quiet, for the most part the people were good but it was non the less a lawless town. This young merman was already described as the most handsome in town and now as he swam in town with this young woman arm in arm the town was amazed by the beauty they beheld. So the couple went down to settling in.
Life was good and being part god she could see the true nature of these people and one day approached her husband. She stated how she could see great potential in these people and if properly organized they could one day become a great nation. So with the help of her husband they spoke to the towns people, each and everyone and people were excited that they could use their own abilities for the greater good. As time passes, the coral reefs grow and the one small time small village grew to become a great kingdom. The people over joyed by their success, astounded by their city's brilliance come to the first couple that started it all asks them to become their rulers. With much humility they accept and so is established the mighty Kingdom of Atlantis!

The King and Queen become proud of their people and as time passes and the kingdom only grows more spectacular, the arts and sciences advance, the people become more beautiful. To celebrate the bounty that is Atlantis the King and Queen decide to through a ball. To celebrate this momentous occasion they decide to raise the kingdom to the surf.
The people of the Atlantis gather in the courtyard as the music plays and so the kingdom rises out of the seas and into the mighty air. As the King and Queen prepare to make their grand entrance the fireworks launch and the court is amazed by the beauty and splendour of the starry night sky.
The Queen has been pampering all day, working on outfits, makeup and now hair. Her handmaidens are busily working her majesty in order for her to make a timely debut but of course she is still running behind. As the last jewel is set the trumpets begin to play and the Queen and her handmaidens run to the great corridor leading the gardens. No one noticing the flat iron has been left on in the dressing chamber. As she comes up to the King the doors open and they enter the gardens hand in hand greeted in cheers. The King and Queen enter the square and begin their first dance. As the night goes on, the music plays, the people laugh and gather no one notices that the Queen's flat iron has begun to over heat and a slowly the dressing chamber fills with smoke and flames.
A sudden cry breaks the joyful mood and the palace guards flood the gardens to warn that the castle is on fire. The people panic and scream as the chaos erupts the King and Queen a quietly ushered away from the panicked mass to ensure the royal couple's safety. As the court runs to return to their ocean home the towers collapse, walkways erupt and most of the court of is trapped, encircled in flames you hear their crys for help slowly begin to muffle as smoke fills their lungs. The King and Queen are pushed further and further by their guards who prevent them from turning around when suddenly the ceiling collapses and it divides the King and Queen from one another. The remaining guards usher them down to separate halls advising they will meet again in the open clearing. But blast after blast occurs and the Queen is finally left alone, without guards so she runs to the edge of the newly formed land mass where once a might castle stood and dives in the ocean waves.
The oceans are no quieter then the burning island but only erupt into more furry as the only newly created island breaks apart and begins to sink to the seas. In tears and extremely fearful the Queen swims and swims to a place unknown but a place that she feels safe until she finds it. The giant oyster shell that guarded her for so many years. The oyster shell welcoming it's old friend and child that it protected opens and she slides in. Slowly the shell closes around her and breaks from the wall it has hung to for so many years and sets a drift upon the ocean currents.
Nestled into the shell the Queen gently falls asleep, a deep sleep she has not known since the first time she rested within that mighty shell. Times passes and passes, man rises from huts to castles, from castles to skyscrapers and moves into modern time.
The ways of the world have changed and the quality of the water with it as suddenly the Queen awakens. The mighty oyster has grown week, due to somewhat age but mostly due to the toxins that is has been taking in. The seal that once kept the Queen safe has begun to fade and this new water comes rushing in. The once gentle currents that guided her way has also become swift and fast, the oyster becoming lost in it's way has become trapped in the mighty Niagara River and is now rushing swiftly down the current. As the water had become swifter it crashes against debris and rocks and loosens more and more until finally with one might crash upon a submerged rock the oyster cracks in half and the Queen is cast into the waters with only the lower half the shell to hold on it.
Using her own powers of the water she calls the current to bring her closer to the shore, covered in water plants she eventually is cast upon the shore.
This water tastes different, the smells and sounds of the world are different. So with shaky legs she rises out of the water, covered in modern debris, in water plants and zebra mussels, so rises Sushia; Queen of the Ocean, Ruler of the Tides, Mistress of the Deep, Glamazonian Sea Goddess and former Queen of Atlantis to start a new in this modern age in the this land called Buffalo, NY!

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