Interesting Google search, I just looked up career. For the definition mind you not for a job and it took a revision to get the information I wanted, which can be found in the contained hyper link. [Career] :a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling i.e. a career in medicine,a career diplomat.
I never discussed and will not in this blog, in depth my job or place of employment. One part due to confidencialty, one part privacy and one part shame. I will release the fact that I just got a 10% raise, a year end bonus and my job allows for monthly travel. I will also state I do not like my job and have no interest in what I'm doing to the point of being absent but working enough to appear busy.
I should point out that I am new to the role I am in, only 5 months in. I have however done this job function before and have worked with the company I am employed with for a little over 7 years. I have been able to move around into various roles and been allowed to leave (quit) twice and been hired by them 3 times. Many people on my site enjoy my company including members of management and I have been able to be a volunteer leader for 3 years and did not continue my service only by choice.
So why do I not just accept it? Why can't I just say deal with it, they like you and are paying you better then you ever expected to get paid in this period of time. In essence why not take the money, the travel and run with it?
I tweeted earlier today, "I hate when I know the answers to my own questions, now I just have to act on it." In recalling past conversations with friends I think like an artist, not a businessman. My goals are not dollars and deals then are betterment of Earth, mankind, community enrichment, beauty and nature.
So where do I find the courage to just stop, where do I get the courage to sacrafice my current stability to take a chance to be a happier person? To be a strong person will be to do just that, take a leap and let go. Make the sacarafices required to get where I want to long run. I am only 29 with many more years to come.

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