So here I sit, on my bed, on my new laptop watching Bette Midler, The Show Girl Must Go On. It was a special aired New Year's Eve by HBO. Gotta love DVR that we can now do this and not worry about having a blank tape in the VHS and that the timer is working correctly. I forgot to mention that I'm wearing my new bear hat I bought while at the mall today while shopping with Urvish. Well mostly walking, we walked around the mall for 4 hours today. The idea behind this purchase was to wear it to Bear Trap.
So as a side note before writing on I want to advise. This top portion was written on the night of 1/2/2011, from this point forward it is being written on the afternoon of 1/3/2011.
So I'm sitting at my desk, in the basement for my home office. I've just gotten back from running out on my lunch period and was sitting down to eat. I listen to NPR and it was Terry Gross on Fresh Air.. Terry has a very distinct voice and her guest was male, so why did I hear a woman's voice that was not Terry's in my house. I couldn't quite understand what she said and within seconds the one cat that was down here with me start looking up, and across the room and meowing then went up the stairs to the first floor of my house.
So I am technically working and I ping my mother about the incident and she blames it on all the zombie movies I watch. A) Haven't watched anything zombie related since the middle of last week. B)how does a woman's voice from nowhere translate to a zombie? (Rest my case) Well in my ping I said "Sometimes I wish my life was normal." Which at the time it was written didn't strike a cord as my mother's reply was "Keep wishing." and mine was "I know it never will be." But now in retrospect and thinking about my blog it made me think about Cosmic Crap. My receipt of a horoscope reading off of FB telling me I need to be "a little less crazy and more practial" and I, being me took this offensively.
I should however stop and take a look at this again. Maybe I should try to be more normal, be one of the Joneses. While doing so, in my pondering I wonder, can someone in my lifestyle "live a normal life"? That I am not sure, well I guess it would be the new American normal. I think the standard lifestyle that most people still think of is incredibly outdated, that classic "a house with a white picket fence, two kids & a dog and a car in the driveway". My life, which at times seems outrageous or humorous to others would be my normal. Like walking around my house or expected bar in a bear ear laplander. This is only the newest edition to my collection of hats. Some or "normal, basics" and others are out there. I have my Luna hat from Sailor Moon fame which is just her ears and moon crescent, I have my angry kitty hat and of course the holiday hats that I have been recently wearing.
So what is it to be "normal"? Well it's to be 1)conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural, 2)serving to establish a standard. and in a psychological sense 1)approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment. 2)free from any mental disorder; sane.
In that context can anyone be normal? Or is it that these people live their lives in the shadow of what the greater society considers acceptable? Are they just allowing themselves to be part of the greater herd?

Is there something wrong with living in the herd? I guess it matters on how you distinguish the use of the herd but what makes it protective is also it's sin. " the undistinguished masses " Animals since the age of the Dinosaurs (should be read in a loud, deep voices) have lived in herds. This term herd mostly relates to herbivores as any carnivores animal pack is fiercely called a "pack" or "pride". Interesting that we humans don't call ourselves a pack but that maybe due to it's inclination that it's harmful or a threat. Like a "pack of wolves descending on the children." Some of my favorite terms for a group of birds is a "murder of crows" and an "unkindness of ravens". But I digress.
So I guess what I'm saying is that I want to be nothing special, I want to blend into the "undistinguished masses". What would that give me? Would I lose my friends? Would I fit into my family better? At time it feels like life would be much easier being blended into the masses. Less attention, less stress, less pressure.
There was a story today on Today about "My Princess Boy" about a little boy who likes to wear princess dresses and how is mother has come to accept it and wrought a book. In light of the recent media highlights with the suicides of LGBT youth. The publication of this news story of places like Today and NPR is no wonder. Growing up I did not dress in girl cloths but I did play with Barbies and My Little Ponies.
Is he normal, he's now normal to his family. 60% of people who voted on the article at the time I read it said they would not let their son dress in princess cloths so I guess he's not normal.
Humans are an interesting creature, we like to see or watch the abnormal but don't want to actually experience it first hand. We want it behind the glass, behind the bars. We want it on TV, the movie screen or on the other side of the street. We want photo opps and cell phone videos so we can gain fame and notoriety from it but once that achieves we want nothing to do with it.
So is normalcy something I really want to acheive? Do I want to be part of the herd? Will that give me a better sense? Will that provide me a whole life?
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