(in this blog certain words will be hyperlinked and not defined in the post)
So growing up we learn words, vocabulary however if you were to look up these words in a dictionary you sometimes learn that your definition was either completely wrong or not used in proper context.
In some of my past posts I have defined words that I have used, not because I assume my readers are ignorant. But it's just how I think. I have a tendency to analyze and reanalyze. Nothing is free from this repetitive task. Friendship/relationships, work, life, thoughts, the analysis itself. You end up spending a lot of time talking to yourself when doing this as well as driving yourself nuts because you always think "we'll I could have done this, or I should have done it that way, I should have said...".
Oh the self inflicted insanity, fun times!
Not just words, we define people too. We are taught in this modern world not to stereotype, that all people are equal, not to judge but of course this is done by human nature. I really think this is some sort of animalistic trait. Every creature is given a sixth sense to ensure it's own survival. I think two of the most famous that are commonly talked about and accepted are psychic and gaydar.
Outside of these natures we all have those inner animal urges that leads our lives into needs, wants, desires, etc. The little signal in our heads that say "turn here", "don't go that way", the hunger urges or steak, dairy, greens and those certain acts, scents etc that lead us to hopeful mates.
It's interesting that I keep coming back to the underlying idea of "herding". To be part of the herd or not to be, that is the god damn question. I think of the greater burdens of the world is that one does not feel part of it, then when you make sacrifices to be part of it you are not any happier because you do not feel like you.
Am I trying to find that happy middle? Is there a place where I can be me, without feeling out of sorts? Or is this just me, over analyzing the situation again? Who is my community? Am I and can I define me?
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