Well, let's see here kids. My name is Sushia, I am the Queen of the Oceans, Ruler of the Tides, Mistress of the Deep, Glamazonian Sea Goddess, former ruler of Atlantis (till that incident with my flat iron and the whole island sinking thing). I am a female impersonator, gender illusionist, and drag queen. I began this career in Providence, RI under the name of Versi (Versailles) at Union Street Station (now closed) under the direction of "Mother" Raymond Quinn, my sisters Carmen Jones, Angelia Buttona, Tya Houston, Kayla Gold and Jackie Collins. These gurls provided me insite, guidence, and helped shape me into who I am today.
Since those days I have returned to my home of Buffalo NY, I have worked a few shows local, take some time off and changed my name. This blog is my life, Sush in the City as I liketo call it, my Memoirs, many of which were on myspace and then at my choice deleted. Here is a new start, my choice, and what blogs I do have saved away I will look to post on here.
So get ready for Sush in the City and all her crazy friends.
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