So Volcano Todd previously made a comment on "personas" and how we all carry around different ones. I think that these personas are created by ourselves as different forms of offense or defense. It's the comfortable barrier we create however it makes me wonder what is the difference between a persona and someone with a multiple personality disorder.
I know with myself the personas I carry are there for defense and battle and seamlessly transition in and out of my life. For myself I never quite know when it happens, when I put on the show face. However I am highly aware once I am in the persona. It's interesting to know when your not yourself and I guess that is what separates a persona from a multiple personality, the awareness.
But the main question that I am having for myself is, who am I? Am I the spirited social butterfly or I am a self loathing introvert? I know in reality I am both but what one is the real me? Do I put on the face of social butterfly to deal wit the realities of our social world or am I the social butterfly that hates to admit to my ego and hides behind the self hater?
I guess in part that if I have a blog, that has been running for sometime and recently flooded with posts it points more to the social butterfly and I think when I am more comfortable it comes out.
I think growing up in a household that has been very judgemental has made me judge myself in an exaggerated manner. I often take a moment to question myself when writing or speaking to ensure that I won't embarrass myself or disappoint in a manner. This has been ingrained into my mind, that my thoughts, my actions, that myself are always being judged.
This is just another step as I transition into my true self, grow from my past and become the better, healthier person I am meant to be. I need to stop judging myself, harder if at all then others are judging me, then I can truly be comfortable and be a loved and loving person.
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